Version 2.9.1 of MONARC has been released with several fixes and important changes in the backend.


  • the backend of MONARC is now using Zend Framework 3 (#15);
  • MONARC code has been restructured to comply with PSR-2 standard;
  • updated the usage of the dependencies (Core and FrontOffice) from;
  • default initialization of the set of recommendations (#183).


  • Error when importing OP risks with recommendation (#191);
  • fix editing of recommendations via the risk sheet (#195);
  • various fixes related to the management of recommendations and impact edition;
  • fixes in the GDPR module.


Due to the consequent changes in the backend and the switch to the version 3 of Zend Framework, the update method is different from the usual process. We wrote a script in order to help you to update your MONARC installation. No database migrations will be executed.

The minimum requirement is now PHP 7.1. We strongly advise to update to at least PHP 7.2. PHP 7.1 ends security support at the end of this year.

MONARC 2.9.1 has been mainly tested on:

  • Debian 10 with PHP 7.3;
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with PHP 7.2.

Once you have checked that your system met the minimum requirements you can update your MONARC instance with the following command:

$ cd /var/lib/monarc/fo
$ rm -Rf data/DoctrineORMModule data/cache
$ mkdir -p data/LazyServices/Proxy # set owners to www-data
$ curl -sSL | bash

NOTE: Never execute a remote script without checking it.

This is the only time you will have to use this script. Future MONARC updates will works as usual.

$ sha512sum

This script can be used in order to update MONARC and the back office of MONARC.

As usual you can download the virtual machine here.